Espresso / UIAutomator SDK

The Evinced Espresso / UIAutomator SDK integrates with new or existing UI tests to automatically detect accessibility issues. With the addition of a few lines of code you can analyze your entire application to understand how it can become more accessible. At the conclusion of the tests actionable HTML and JSON reports are generated to track issues in any reporting tool.

Supported platforms / frameworks

The Espresso / UIAutomator SDK supports Android UI tests on emulators or real devices with a minimum Android API level of 21 (Android 5.0).

Get Started


  1. In order to use any of the Evinced Mobile SDKs you first need to create an Evinced account. Once your account is created, you will get your apiKey and a matching serviceAccountId. Initialize the SDK with these tokens it will validate access with Evinced servers when you run your tests. If an outbound internet connection is not available in your running environment - contact us at to get an offline APIKey.

  2. Add the SDK as a dependency using one of the following options:

    1. Add to Gradle Add the Evinced package repository URL to your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

      1allprojects {
      2 repositories {
      3 //...
      4 maven { url '' }
      5 }
      6 }

      Note: If you use Gradle 7.0 or higher, you should add it instread to the settings.gradle file

      Add the following to your module build.gradle file:

      1androidTestImplementation "com.evinced:espresso-sdk:{sdk-version}"
    2. Add to Maven: Add the Evinced package repository URL to your build file:

      2 <repository>
      3 <id>evinced-repository</id>
      4 <url></url>
      5 </repository>

      Add the dependency:

      2 <groupId>com.evinced</groupId>
      3 <artifactId>espresso-sdk</artifactId>
      4 <version>{sdk-version}</version>
      5 <type>aar</type>
    3. Download .aar library from Evinced package repository: Espresso/UIAutomator SDK and add it manually for your project.

  3. Configure the SDK with Evinced authentication credentials Customizing the JUnit Runner (Recommended)

    1. Online setup by using AccountId and ApiKey

      1public class CustomJUnitRunner extends AndroidJUnitRunner {
      2 @Override
      3 public void callApplicationOnCreate(Application app) {
      4 super.callApplicationOnCreate(app);
      5 EvincedEngine.setupCredentials(accountId, apiKey);
      6 }
      7 }
      8 ```
    2. Offline setup by using AccountId and AccessToken

      1public class YourCustomJUnitRunner extends AndroidJUnitRunner {
      2 @Override
      3 public void callApplicationOnCreate(Application app) {
      4 super.callApplicationOnCreate(app);
      5 EvincedEngine.setupOfflineCredentials(accountId, accessToken)
      6 }

      Replace the existing AndroidJunitRunner in `build.gradle:

      1defaultConfig {
      2 //...
      4 // testInstrumentationRunner ""
      5 testInstrumentationRunner 'com.xx.yy.CustomJUnitRunner'

Replace {sdk-version} with the latest SDK version that can be found here: espresso sdk jfrog. After creating the custom AndroidJUnitRunner you may need to sync Gradle/Maven with the project.

Authenticating within a test class

Add the setupCredentials call to your @BeforeClass method:

2public static void setup() {
3 // Init instance of EvincedEngine in @BeforeClass method
4 EvincedEngine.setupCredentials(accountId, apiKey);
5 evincedEngine = EvincedEngine.getInstance(InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation());
6 // Other setup code...

Your first test

Initialize the SDK instance

Init the EvincedEngine instance in each test class inside the @BeforeClass (@BeforeAll equivalent for JUnit5 runner) method:

1// import statement
2import com.evinced.test.EvincedEngine;
5public class UITests1 {
6 // Declare EvincedEngine instance
7 private static EvincedEngine evincedEngine;
8 // public static method annotated @BeforeClass executed only once before running all tests in the current class
9 @BeforeClass
10 public static void setup() {
11 // Init instance of EvincedEngine in @BeforeClass method
12 evincedEngine = EvincedEngine.getInstance(InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation());
13 // Other setup code...
14 }

Add accessibility scans to your test

Call the EvincedEngine.analyze() method at every point at which an accessibility scan would capture new areas of the application.

2public class UITests {
3 //...
4 @Test
5 public void test1() {
6 // test code...
7 // Call EvincedEngine.analyze() every time the information on the screens changes
8 // or when you want to make accessibility check
9 evincedEngine.analyze();
10 // test code...
11 evincedEngine.analyze();
12 }
13 //...
14 @Test
15 public void testN() {
16 // test code...
17 evincedEngine.analyze();
18 // test code...
19 }
20 }

Run validations and generate reports

The @AfterClass method executes only after all tests in the current class have completed. This makes it the perfect place to run our validations on data collected and stored by the EvincedEngine.analyze() calls and generate HTML and JSON reports in the emulator/device file structure.

2public class UITests {
3 //...
4 // @AfterClass method executed only once after running all thes tests in the current class are complete
5 @AfterClass
6 public static void tearDown() {
7 // Run accessibility validations for all collected data stored by the EvincedEngine.analyze()
8 // calls and generate HTML and JSON reports in the emulator/device file structure
9 evincedEngine.reportStored();
10 // Other tearDown code...
11 }


EvincedEngine.reportStored() or will generate HTML and JSON reports stored in a specific folder in the file structure of the emulator or device on which the tests were executed. The file path to the reports can be found by searching the logs using the key evinced_report_path.

Report path example: D/evinced_report_path:/storage/self/primary/Evinced_A11Y_Test_Results_08.10.2021_11.57

Run tests locally

If the tests are being run locally reports can be downloaded by using AndroidStudio -> Device File Explorer or the following adb command:

adb pull <reports path> <local path>

Run tests on CI

If the tests are being executed using a CI tool the pipeline script below can be used to pass the Evinced reports to the CI tool reporting structure:

1// add this step after the tests run command
2- run:
3 name: get evinced reports
4 when: always
5 command: |
6 adb logcat -d > logfile.txt
7 REPORT_PATH="$(cat logfile.txt | grep evinced_report_path | awk -F ":" '{ print $NF }' | tail -n 1 | grep -o '\/.*[0-9]' )"
8 echo ${REPORT_PATH}
9 adb pull ${REPORT_PATH} evinced_report
10 zip -r evinced_report

Note: The script uses a list of logs that are cached within the emulator storage. If the number of logs is large, it is possible to lose the evinced_report_path key. In this case, please increase the buffer size with the following command adb logcat -G <size> M (default size = 2 Mb)

1//... other steps
2- android/start-emulator-and-run-tests:
3 pre-run-tests-steps:
4 - run: adb logcat -G 16M // increase log buffer size to 16 Mb
5 test-command: ./gradlew :app:connectedFreeDebugAndroidTest //tests run command

Note: If you use for test emulators with API 21 or 22, make sure that you create them with sdcard storage by adding -c 1000M option (you can read details in avdmanager documentation). You can add it in pipeline script with additional-avd-args: -c 1000M line in android/start-emulator-and-run-tests step.

Also if you run tests on emulators with API 23+, you need add next adb options to the app build.gradle. You can check for environmental variables to enable/disable these options if you run different emulators.

1android {
2 //...
3 adbOptions {
4 installOptions '-g', '-r'
5 }

For more information regarding the HTML and JSON reports as well as the Report object itself, please see our detailed Mobile Reports page.


The following permissions are required for the Espresso SDK:

android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE (for storing HTML / JSON reports in the device file structures) and android.permission.INTERNET (if you use online setup by using EvincedEngine.setupCredentials (accountId, apiKey)). Instrumentation tests use the tested app permissions, so they need to be added to the main manifest file.

If you do not have the required permissions, you can use the following instructions to add permissions to debug build and avoid adding them to the production version.

​​Set the permissions in src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml. If the file doesn't exist, create it.

By default, AndroidTest uses debug as a BuildType, so if you define your testing permissions there, then the manifest merging process will add these permissions to your UI test build.

Below is an example of the AndroidManifest.xml file with the added permissions. Note that You don't need to include the package attribute because it will be inherited from lower priority level manifest.

1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2<manifest xmlns:android="">
3 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
4 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
6 <!--required requestLegacyExternalStorage if you run your tests on Android 29-->
7 <application
8 android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true"/>

Continuous mode

Continuous mode allows continual scanning of the application without the need to insert individual scan calls with in the test code. Simply specify the start and end points using the following methods EvincedEngine.startAnalyze() and EvincedEngine.stopAnalyze(). Then Evinced engines will automatically scan the application after each Espresso command. All issues detected during the tests will be added to the HTML and JSON reports automatically generated with the stopAnalyze() method is called.

Track scan all changes that occur in a particular test:

2public void yourTest() {
3 evincedEngine.startAnalyze();
4 // test body
5 evincedEngine.stopAnalyze();

or scan all changes that occur in the test class:

2public static void setup() {
3 ...
4 evincedEngine.startAnalyze();
5 ...
9public static void tearDown() {
10 evincedEngine.stopAnalyze();

Note: for stable operation in continuous scanning mode, please make sure that all animations on the device (emulator) are turned off.

Issue filtering

The Espresso SDK supports advanced settings that allow you to apply additional configurations when generating issue reports. Simply create an instance of the EvincedConfig object with the appropriate options. Below is an example of using EvincedConfig and IssueFilter:

Global filtering:

1// Create an example filter to exclude all Needs Review issues globally
2final IssueFilter globalFilter = new IssueFilter()
3 .severity(Severity.NeedsReview);
5// Add the IssueFilter to the creation instance of EvincedAppiumSdk
6final EvincedConfig globalEvincedConfig = new EvincedConfig()
7 .excludeFilters(globalFilter);
8final EvincedEngine evincedEngine = EvincedEngine.getInstance(InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation(), new InitOptions(globalEvincedConfig));

Filtering on an individual scan (analyze() or report() call):

1// Passing multiple exclude filters for an individual scan
2final IssueFilter multipleSeverityFilter = new IssueFilter()
3 .severity(Severity.NeedsReview, Severity.BestPractice);
5 final IssueFilter complexFilter = new IssueFilter()
6 .matchElementById("com.example:id/myElement")
7 .issueType(IssueType.CollidingControls)
8 .severity(Severity.NeedsReview);
10final IssueFilter complexFilter1 = new IssueFilter()
11 .issueType(IssueType.DuplicateName, SpecialCharacters)
12 .severity(Severity.NeedsReview, BestPractice);
13final EvincedConfig evincedConfig = new EvincedConfig()
14 .excludeFilters(multipleSeverityFilter, multipleSeverityFilter, complexFilter);
16// Apply the configuration for a specific screen state scan, evincedConfig);

Depending on the purpose of filtering, you can use two directions -include or exclude using the appropriate methods:

  • EvincedConfig().includeFilters(filter)
  • EvincedConfig().excludeFilters(filters)

List of available issue filtering options

viewIdpublic IssueFilter matchElementById(String viewId)Native Android view id
severitypublic IssueFilter severity(Severity... severity)

public IssueFilter severity(List<Severity> severities)
Filter by Severity - not apply on UI elements the accessibility validations with specific Severity types.
issueTypepublic IssueFilter issueType(IssueType... issueType)

public IssueFilter issueType(List<IssueType> issueTypes)
Filter by IssueType - not apply on UI elements the accessibility validations with specific IssueType.

Filter by UIElement

Evinced Espresso SDK supports Espresso, UIAutomator and JetpackCompose test frameworks. Each of them provides its own API for finding and identifying UI elements. Identified elements can be used to build filters to include/exclude certain interface elements to perform validations on them. Building this type of filter is available in several steps:

For Espresso:
  1. Add espresso extensions module to your module build.gradle file:
    androidTestImplementation 'com.evinced:espresso-ext:{version}'
  2. Find the element using Espresso native capabilities:
    1final ViewInteraction viewInteraction = onView(withId(;
  3. Build Espresso SDK UIElement object:
    1final List<UIElement> uiElements = EvincedEspressoUtils.buildUIElements(viewInteraction);
  4. Create filter object:
    1final IssueFilter issueFilter = new IssueFilter().matchByUIElements(uiElements);
For UIAutomator:
  1. Add UIAutomator extensions module to your module build.gradle file:
    androidTestImplementation 'com.evinced:uiautomator-ext:{version}'
  2. Find the element using Espresso native capabilities:
    1final UiObject uiObject = uiDevice.findObject(new UiSelector().resourceId("yourViewId"));
  3. Build Espresso SDK UIElement object:
    1final List<UIElement> uiElements = EvincedUIAutomatorUtils.buildUIElements(uiObject);
  4. Create filter object:
    1final IssueFilter issueFilter = new IssueFilter().matchByUIElements(uiElements);

Config file

Along with the configuration creation options within the code, it is also possible to create filters using a JSON file located in assets directory of your tests. To import the file use the examples below:

1final EvincedConfig evincedConfigFromFile = EvincedConfig.fromAssetsFile(InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation(), "evinced_config.json");
2 "excludeFilters": [
3 {
4 "viewId": "viewId",
5 "severities": [
6 {
7 // you can use id or name separately
8 "id": "3c68eb41-9227-481d-8eec-9dc8956b1900",
9 "name": "Needs Review"
10 }
11 ],
12 "issueTypes": [
13 {
14 // you can use id or name separately
15 "id": "e871b2e7-1b6d-47bc-96db-7f3dff4bfd5a",
16 "name": "Duplicate Name"
17 }
18 ]
19 }
20 ]

Storing screenshots in reports

By default screenshots are provided in HTML reports for each scan, but for JSON-reports they are disabled by default. You can explicitly enable or disable screenshots using the InitOptions. Screenshots in JSON reports are provided in Base64 format.

Available screenshot options:

InitOptions.ScreenshotOption.Base64Add a screenshot to the json report and the Report object in Base64. Available using the screenshotBase64 field
InitOptions.ScreenshotOption.FileSave a screenshot as separately .jpeg file. the name of the screenshot is the same as the id of the corresponding report.
InitOptions.ScreenshotOption.BothSave the screenshot as a .jpeg file and also as Base64 in the json report. See options above
InitOptions.ScreenshotOption.DisabledThe screenshot is available only in the HTML report. Disabled by default.

Global screenshot config:

1final InitOptions initOptions = new InitOptions(InitOptions.ScreenshotOption.Base64);
2// setup options during the SDK initialization
3final EvincedEngine evincedEngine = EvincedEngine.getInstance(InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation(), initOptions);
5// change the existing options
6final InitOptions newOptions = new InitOptions(InitOptions.ScreenshotOption.Disabled);

Rule validation configurations

RulesConfig allows you to change the accessibility check for different rules. It is set globally and used for all subsequent reports.

Disabling the tappable area validation

This example disables validation for tappable area:

1evincedEngine.setOptions(new InitOptions(new RuleConfig(IssueType.TAPPABLE_AREA, false))
Disabling the label capitalization validation

This example disables validation for label capitalization:

1evincedEngine.setOptions(new InitOptions(new RuleConfig(IssueType.LABEL_CAPITALIZATION, false))
Disabling the color contrast validation

This example disables validation for color contrast:

1evincedEngine.setOptions(new InitOptions(new RuleConfig(IssueType.COLOR_CONTRAST, false)))
Customize color contrast options

Fuzziness factor configuration for color contrast. For example, the WCAG norm for this ratio is 4.5:1, but if your corporate colors have a ratio of 4.45:1, then this can be specified using the following options:

1final Map<String, Object> colorContrastOptions = new HashMap<>();
2colorContrastOptions.put("contrastRatioNormalText", 4.45f);
3colorContrastOptions.put("contrastRatioLargeText", 4.45f);
4colorContrastOptions.put("contrastRatioNonText", 4.45f);
5final RuleConfig colorContrastRuleConfig = new RuleConfig(IssueType.COLOR_CONTRAST, true, colorContrastOptions);
6evincedEngine.setOptions(new InitOptions(colorContrastRuleConfig));

Tappable Area

Every native mobile application features a wide variety of UI elements which are interactive via tap. Consider elements like buttons, text fields, toggles and others. Each of them should be tapped in order to become focused and to allow any further interaction. The lower the tappable area of the element (an imaginary square where user should tap) the less convenient it is to operate with the element. Platform constraints describe the width and height of minimum tappable area.

tappableAreaDimensions - the minimum size that does not trigger Tappable Area validation. By default for Android this value is 48dp, for iOS it is 44px.

For example

1final Map<String, Object> tapAreaOption = new HashMap<>();
2tapAreaOption.put("tappableAreaDimensions", 55.5);
3final RuleConfig tapAreConfig = new RuleConfig(IssueType.TAPPABLE_AREA, true, tapAreaOption);
4InitOptions initOptions = new InitOptions().setRuleConfig(tapAreConfig);

Uploading reports to Evinced Platform

Evinced Platform allows you to seamlessly collect, organize, and visualize Evinced accessibility reports in one place. In this section, we will guide you through the key functionalities of the upload methods from Evinced Espresso SDK, which was introduced in version 1.14.0, to the Evinced Platform. This upload method is fully compatible with the previous versions of the Evinced Espresso SDK API, and is disabled by default.

Initialize report uploading to the Evinced Platform

In order to start using Evinced Platform feature you need to include the PlatformConfig in the InitOptions:

2public static void setup() {
3 ...
4 final InitOptions options = new InitOptions(
5 new InitOptions.PlatformConfig(
6 InitOptions.UploadOption.ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT
7 )
8 );
9 evincedEngine.setOptions(options);

In this case, all of the reports from a test class will be uploaded to the Evinced Platform where you can view the accessibility issues.

Selective uploading

You can configure uploading only a specific set of reports:

2public void test1() {
3 ...
4 final Report report1 =;
5 ...
6 final Report report2 =;

In this case, only the second report will be uploaded to Evinced Platform.

The same behavior applies to internally stored reports reportStored() after the analyze() calls and to the stopAnalyze() in the continuous mode:

2public void test1() {
3 ...
4 evincedEngine.analyze();
5 List<Report> reportList = evincedEngine.reportStored(PlatformUpload.ENABLED);


2public void test1() {
3 ...
4 evincedEngine.startAnalyze();
5 // test body
6 List<Report> reportList = evincedEngine.stopAnalyze(PlatformUpload.ENABLED);

Notice: that in these examples we didn't use InitOptions.PlatformConfig. It's not required to use this config argument to enable the selective report uploading. Please find more information about continuous mode here if needed.

Disable report uploading to Platform

In order to disable the upload method for all reports without changing arguments for each report(), reportStored() or stopAnalyze() methods you can use the following InitOption:

2public static void setup() {
3 ...
4 final InitOptions options = new InitOptions(
5 new InitOptions.PlatformConfig(
6 // Setting the forceDisableReportsUpload flag to true, disable all reports uploading.
7 true
8 )
9 );
10 evincedEngine.setOptions(options);
14public void test1() {
15 ...
16 final Report report1 =;
17 ...
18 final Report report2 =;

Labeling uploaded reports

To be able to distinguish between different reports on Evinced Platform, the following pre-defined labels will be collected and added programmatically.

appNameThe display name of the target application.
appVersionFor example 1.1.3.
appBuildNumberFor example 56.
deviceManufacturerFor example - Google.
deviceModelFor example - sdk_gphone_x86_64.
deviceNameFor example - generic_x86_64_arm64.
testMethodNameThe method name of the actual test.
testCaseNameThe class name of the actual test.
deviceTypeCan be emulator or physical.
isInAppSdkConnectedShould be true in case of accessibility validation using Evinced InApp SDK inside a target application.
isInAppSdkInstalledShould be true in case of the presence of Evinced InApp SDK in the target application.
osNameShould always be Android.
osVersionThe version of the target Android.
SDKBuildNumberShould be equal to 1.14.0 or higher.
SDKBuildTypeShould always be Espresso SDK.

Customizing labels before uploading reports

To distinguish between reports from different parts of your applications or tests you can also add custom labels to the uploaded reports.

2public void test1() {
3 ...
4 Map<String, String> labels1 = new HashMap<>();
5 labels1.put("MyCustomLabelKey1", "MyCustomLabelValue1");
6 final Report report1 =, labels1);
7 ...
8 Map<String, String> labels2 = new HashMap<>();
9 labels2.put("MyCustomLabelKey2", "MyCustomLabelValue2");
10 final Report report2 =, labels2);

The custom key "MyCustomLabelKey1" and the custom value "MyCustomLabelValue1" will be attached to the first report. The custom key "MyCustomLabelKey2" and the custom value "MyCustomLabelValue2" will be attached to the second report.

Customizing labels before uploading reports for the entire test class

In order to label all reports inside your test class with a common key/value, use the addTestCaseMetadata() method:

2public static void setup() {
3 ...
4 evincedEngine.addTestCaseMetadata("MyCustomCommonLabelKey", "MyCustomCommonLabelValue");
5 ...
9public void test1() {
10 ...
11 Map<String, String> labels1 = new HashMap<>();
12 labels1.put("MyCustomLabelKey1", "MyCustomLabelValue1");
13 final Report report1 =, labels1);
14 ...
15 Map<String, String> labels2 = new HashMap<>();
16 labels2.put("MyCustomLabelKey2", "MyCustomLabelValue2");
17 final Report report2 =, labels2);

In this case, all reports in the test class scope will have "MyCustomCommonLabelKey"/"MyCustomCommonLabelValue". In addition, "MyCustomLabelKey1"/"MyCustomLabelValue1" will be added only to the first report and "MyCustomLabelKey2"/"MyCustomLabelValue2" will be added only to the second report.

Test assertion

If you want to interrupt the test execution in case the report is not uploaded, it's possible to set the failTestOnUploadError argument of the InitOptions.PlatformConfig:

2public static void setup() {
3 ...
4 final InitOptions options = new InitOptions(
5 new InitOptions.PlatformConfig(
6 InitOptions.UploadOption.DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT,
7 // Enabled the failTestOnUploadError flag
8 true
9 )
10 );
11 evincedEngine.setOptions(options);
15public void test1() {
16 ...
17 Map<String, String> labels1 = new HashMap<>();
18 labels1.put("MyCustomLabelKey1", "MyCustomLabelKey1");
19 final Report report1 =, labels1);
20 // The test will fail in case of any uploading error, it can be an internal connection or routing problems
21 ...

In the case of upload errors you should see an exception with a detailed error message that can be found in the logcat window to help understand the cause of the error and possible solutions.

List of available Platform upload options


forceDisableReportsUpload = true - the upload method is completely disabled. All report uploading will be disabled regardless of the upload argument:

2public static void setup() {
3 ...
4 final InitOptions options = new InitOptions(
5 new InitOptions.PlatformConfig(
6 // forceDisableReportsUpload = true
7 true,
8 // uploadOption = InitOptions.UploadOption.ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT
9 InitOptions.UploadOption.DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT
10 )
11 );
12 evincedEngine.setOptions(options);
13 ...
17public void test1() {
18 ...
19 // This report won't be uploaded to Evinced Platform, because of forceDisableReportsUpload = true
20 Report report1 = evincedEngine.reportStored(PlatformUpload.ENABLED);
21 ...
22 // These reports won't be uploaded to Evinced Platform, because of forceDisableReportsUpload = true
23 List<Report> reportList2 = evincedEngine.reportStored(PlatformUpload.ENABLED);
24 ...
25 // These reports won't be uploaded to Evinced Platform, because of forceDisableReportsUpload = true
26 List<Report> reportList3 = evincedEngine.stopAnalyze(PlatformUpload.ENABLED);
27 ...

forceDisableReportsUpload = false is a default value of the upload to Platform configuration;


InitOptions.UploadOption.ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT - All reports will be uploaded, except for the reports with the upload argument equals to PlatformUpload.DISABLED:

2public static void setup() {
3 ...
4 final InitOptions options = new InitOptions(
5 new InitOptions.PlatformConfig(
6 // uploadOption = InitOptions.UploadOption.ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT
7 InitOptions.UploadOption.ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT
8 )
9 );
10 evincedEngine.setOptions(options);
11 ...
15public void test1() {
16 ...
17 // This report won't be uploaded to Evinced Platform
18 Report report1 = evincedEngine.reportStored(PlatformUpload.DISABLED)
19 ...
20 // These reports won't be uploaded to Evinced Platform
21 List<Report> reportList2 = evincedEngine.reportStored(PlatformUpload.DISABLED)
22 ...
23 // These reports won't be uploaded to Evinced Platform
24 List<Report> reportList3 = evincedEngine.stopAnalyze(PlatformUpload.DISABLED)
25 ...

InitOptions.UploadOption.DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT - Only reports that are marked with upload argument equal to PlatformUpload.ENABLED will be uploaded:

2public static void setup() {
3 ...
4 final InitOptions options = new InitOptions(
5 new InitOptions.PlatformConfig(
6 // uploadOption = InitOptions.UploadOption.DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT,
7 InitOptions.UploadOption.DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT,
8 )
9 );
10 evincedEngine.setOptions(options);
11 ...
15public void test1() {
16 ...
17 // This report will be uploaded to Evinced Platform
18 Report report1 = evincedEngine.reportStored(PlatformUpload.ENABLED);
19 ...
20 // These reports will be uploaded to Evinced Platform
21 List<Report> reportList2 = evincedEngine.reportStored(PlatformUpload.ENABLED);
22 ...
23 // These reports will be uploaded to Evinced Platform
24 List<Report> reportList3 = evincedEngine.stopAnalyze(PlatformUpload.ENABLED);
25 ...


failTestOnUploadError = true - Stop the test execution in case of an upload error;

failTestOnUploadError = false - Continues the test execution no matter of any upload errors. Default value.

The state table of the configurations is as following:

forceDisable ReportsUploaduploadOptionfailTestOn UploadErroruploadDescription
falseDISABLED_BY_DEFAULTfalsenullReport won't be uploaded.
falseDISABLED_BY_DEFAULTfalseENABLEDReport will be uploaded.
falseDISABLED_BY_DEFAULTfalseDISABLEDReport won't be uploaded.
falseENABLED_BY_DEFAULTfalsenullReport will be uploaded.
falseENABLED_BY_DEFAULTfalseENABLEDReport will be uploaded.
falseENABLED_BY_DEFAULTfalseDISABLEDReport won't be uploaded.
trueDISABLED_BY_DEFAULTfalsenullReport won't be uploaded.
trueDISABLED_BY_DEFAULTfalseENABLEDReport won't be uploaded.
trueDISABLED_BY_DEFAULTfalseDISABLEReport won't be uploaded.
trueENABLED_BY_DEFAULTfalsenullReport won't be uploaded.
trueENABLED_BY_DEFAULTfalseENABLEDReport won't be uploaded.
trueENABLED_BY_DEFAULTfalseDISABLEReport won't be uploaded.
falseDISABLED_BY_DEFAULTtruenullReport won't be uploaded.
falseDISABLED_BY_DEFAULTtrueENABLEDReport will be uploaded. Test execution will be interrupted in case of an upload error.
falseDISABLED_BY_DEFAULTtrueDISABLEReport won't be uploaded.
falseENABLED_BY_DEFAULTtruenullReport will be uploaded. Test execution will be interrupted in case of an upload error.
falseENABLED_BY_DEFAULTtrueENABLEDReport will be uploaded. Test execution will be interrupted in case of an upload error.
falseENABLED_BY_DEFAULTtrueDISABLEReport won't be uploaded.

List of available Platform upload arguments

report(PlatformUpload.ENABLED) - Upload the report or reports. Will have an effect when the InitOptions.PlatformConfig is InitOptions.UploadOption.ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT or InitOptions.UploadOption.DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT. Can be used as an argument is report(PlatformUpload.ENABLED), stopAnalyze(PlatformUpload.ENABLED) or reportStored(PlatformUpload.ENABLED) methods;

report(PlatformUpload.DISABLED) - Don't upload the report or reports. Will have an effect when the InitOptions.PlatformConfig is InitOptions.UploadOption.ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT or InitOptions.UploadOption.DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT Can be used as an argument is report(PlatformUpload.DISABLED), stopAnalyze(PlatformUpload.DISABLED) or reportStored(PlatformUpload.DISABLED) methods.

Skip export of empty accessibility reports

In order to skip creation of empty accessibility reports (ones having 0 issues) import the ReportSavingStrategy enum from the SDK package and use it to specify the following flag in the options:

1final InitOptions initOptions = new InitOptions()
2 .setReportSavingStrategy(ReportSavingStrategy.SKIP_EMPTY);

This option will either filter out the empty (having 0 issues) scans from the resulting report or will prevent the entire report file from being saved in case all the scans in the report are empty.

Other values of the ReportSavingStrategy are

  • SAVE_ALL. This option reflects the default behavior when all reports/scans including the empty ones get exported. This option doesn't have to be specified explicitly.

  • SKIP_EMPTY. This option switches off saving of all the reports files in the file system. The platform uploading will still happen if it is enabled with the corresponding settings.

Export accessibility labels of buttons and images for manual review

Accessibility labels of buttons and descriptive images should be meaningful, so users can fully understand their purpose and easily interact with the application. You can review those labels and validate they are meaningful by exporting a JSON report of the accessibility label of images and buttons, separated from the test report. To export this JSON report, simply add the following flag:

1final InitOptions initOptions = new InitOptions();
2initOptions.putAdditionalOption("exportMeaningfulLabels", true);

You should see a new JSON file created beside other report files with a default name: Evinced_Meaningful_Labels_Test_Results_11_15_2023_09_49_51.json. The structure of this JSON file is described in our Mobile Reports page.

To change the default folder destination and the file name of the meaningful labels JSON report you can use the second additional option with an absolute folder path:

1final InitOptions initOptions = new InitOptions();
3String customFilePath = "/storage/emulated/0/Documents/my_meaningful_report_$formattedDateTime.json"
5initOptions.putAdditionalOption("exportMeaningfulLabels", true);
6initOptions.putAdditionalOption("exportMeaningfulLabelsPath", customFilePath);

Be careful with the custom absolute file path it can be different for each emulator or a physical device. In case of Espresso SDK it's better to use the default path.

Integration Android Mobile Kit feature

Evinced Android Mobile Kit adds new types of validation for target application. Add the import statement to the beginning of your test file.

1import com.evinced.test.models.MobileKitConfig;

Setup Mobile Kit Config.

2public static void setup() {
3 ...
4 evincedEngine = EvincedEngine.getInstance(InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation());
5 evincedEngine.setupCredentials(accountId, apiKey);
6 final InitOptions initOptions = new InitOptions()
7 // Setting mobileKitEnabled = true
8 // And failMobileKitConnectionError = true
9 .setMobileKitConfig(new MobileKitConfig(true, true));
10 evincedEngine.setOptions(initOptions);

Note: Make sure that your target application has the Mobile Kit dependency.



Init the EvincedEngine instance - should be called in annotated methods @BeforeClass (@BeforeAll for JUnit5).

Example usage:

2public static void setupEvinced() {
3 evincedEngine = EvincedEngine.getInstance(InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation());

void EvincedEngine.analyze()

Should be called each time you want to scan a specific screen state for accessibility violations. This method collects the current view hierarchy tree to be later analyzed when the reportStored() method is called. No return value.

Example usage:

2public void testSwitchTheme() {
3 clickPreference(R.string.user_interface_label);
4 evincedEngine.analyze();


Report assertIssues)

Scan the current page state for accessibility violations. A list of Report objects will be returned and used to automatically generate HTML and JSON reports in the emulator/device file structure. If assertIssues = true an assertion error will be thrown if any accessibility issues are found.

Example usage:

2public void testSwitchTheme() {
3 clickPreference(R.string.user_interface_label);
4 evincedEngine.analyze();
5 // This will throw an assertion error if any accessibility issues are found

List<Report> EvincedEngine.reportStored()

List<Report> EvincedEngine.reportStored(boolean assertIssues)

Run the accessibility validations using the data collected by the EvincedEngine.analyze() method calls. A list of Report objects will be returned and used to automatically generate HTML and JSON reports in the emulator/device file structure. If assertIssues = true an assertion error will be thrown if any accessibility issues are found. For more information regarding the HTML and JSON reports as well as the Report object itself, please see our detailed Mobile Reports page.

Example usage:

2public static void collectA11yData() {
3 evincedEngine.reportStored();

void EvincedEngine.clearStored()

Clear all stored data collected by EvincedEngine.analyze(). Called automatically after EvincedEngine.reportStored() method.

Example usage:

2public void testSwitchTheme() {
3 clickPreference(R.string.user_interface_label);
4 evincedEngine.analyze();
5 // This will throw an assertion error if any accessibility issues are found
7 evincedEngine.clearStored();
8 // More test code...

void EvincedEngine.startAnalyze()

Starts the continuous scan mode - tracks the changes that take place on the screen and under the hood and calls analyze() every time a change occurs. If for some reason a screen change is not tracked, you can add them manually by calling EvincedEngine.analyze()

2public void yourTest() {
3 ...
4 evincedEngine.startAnalyze();
5 ...


2public static void setup() {
3 ...
4 evincedEngine.startAnalyze();
5 ...

List<Report> EvincedEngine.stopAnalyze()

List<Report> EvincedEngine.stopAnalyze(boolean assertIssues)

Stops the continuous scan mode and calls reportStored() under the hood(which will generate HTML and JSON reports). Should be called after EvincedEngine.startAnalyze() to finish continuous scan mode. If assertIssues = true an assertion error will be thrown if any accessibility issues are found.

2public void yourTest() {
3 evincedEngine.stopAnalyze();


2public static void tearDown() {
3 evincedEngine.stopAnalyze();


Helper class contains a global SDK options

Default constructor: public InitOptions()

Method for defining a EvincedConfig object as a global setting: public InitOptions setEvincedConfig(EvincedConfig evincedConfig)

Set option to save a screenshot in a output JSON report or as a separate .jpeg file: public InitOptions setScreenshotOption(ScreenshotOption screenshotOption)

Set rule configs: public InitOptions setRuleConfigs(List<RuleConfig> ruleConfigs)

Method for defining a custom output directory where a user would like to store reporting artifacts (JSON and HTML files): public InitOptions setOutputDir(String outputDir)

Set output HTML/JSON report name prefix public InitOptions setReportName(String reportName)

Set InApp SDK feature configuration public InitOptions setMobileKitConfig(mobileKitConfig: MobileKitConfig)


An object that defines the options that will be used when performing accessibility validations and generating reports.

Default public constructors for creating EvincedConfig :

public EvincedConfig()

Set exclude filters:

public EvincedConfig excludeFilters(IssueFilter... excludeFilters)

public EvincedConfig excludeFilters(List<IssueFilter> excludeFilters)


A filter object that allows you to exclude UI elements from availability reports by certain criteria

IssueFilter public methodes:

public IssueFilter matchElementById(String viewId)

public IssueFilter severity(List<Severity> severities)

public IssueFilter severity(Severity... severity)

public IssueFilter issueType(List<IssueType> issueTypes)

public IssueFilter issueType(IssueType... issueType)


Default constructor: public RuleConfig(IssueType name, boolean enabled, Map<String, Any> options)

IssueType - the IssueType on which this rule config should be applied enabled - allows to enable/disable specified IssueType. By default enabled = true options - additional a11y validation rule options


While the syntax of the Evinced SDK remains the same, the Kotlin implementation varies slightly to the Java examples above. Below is an example Kotlin implementation. If you are not using the @BeforeClass or @AfterClass annotations in your test class, you can initialize the EvincedEngine as a regular variable.

3import androidx.compose.ui.test.*
4import androidx.compose.ui.test.junit4.createComposeRule
6import androidx.test.ext.junit.runners.AndroidJUnit4
8import com.evinced.test.EvincedEngine
9import org.junit.*
10import org.junit.runner.RunWith
13class NewsTests {
14 private val evincedEngine by lazy { EvincedEngine.getInstance(InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation())}
16 @get:Rule
17 val composeTestRule = createComposeRule()
19 @Before
20 fun setUp() {
21 // Using targetContext as the Context of the instrumentation code
22 composeTestRule.launchJetNewsApp(ApplicationProvider.getApplicationContext())
23 EvincedEngine.setupCredentials("<Service Account ID>", "<API Key>")
24 }
26 @After
27 fun tearDown() {
28 evincedEngine.reportStored()
29 }
31 @Test
32 fun app_opensInterests() {
33 evincedEngine.analyze()
34 composeTestRule.onNodeWithContentDescription(
35 label = "Open navigation drawer",
36 useUnmergedTree = true
37 ).performClick()
38 evincedEngine.analyze()
39 composeTestRule.onNodeWithText("Interests").performClick()
40 evincedEngine.analyze()
41 composeTestRule.onNodeWithText("Topics").assertExists()
42 }

If you're using @BeforeClass or @AfterClass annotations, you need to initialize the EvincedEngine and set up credentials in the companion object. This is the recommended approach.

1package com.example.demoapp
3import androidx.test.ext.junit.rules.ActivityScenarioRule
4import androidx.test.ext.junit.runners.AndroidJUnit4
6import com.evinced.test.EvincedEngine
7import com.evinced.test.models.InitOptions
8import org.junit.AfterClass
9import org.junit.BeforeClass
10import org.junit.Rule
11import org.junit.Test
12import org.junit.runner.RunWith
15class EvincedTest {
17 @get:Rule
18 val activityRule: ActivityScenarioRule<MainActivity> = ActivityScenarioRule(
20 @Test
21 fun testReport() {
22 val initOptions = InitOptions().putAdditionalOption("saveInputTree", true)
23 evincedEngine.options = initOptions
25 // write your test here.
28 }
30 companion object {
31 private val evincedEngine = EvincedEngine.getInstance(InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation())
33 @JvmStatic
34 @BeforeClass
35 fun setUp() {
36 EvincedEngine.setupCredentials("<Service Account ID>", "<API Key>")
37 }
39 @JvmStatic
40 @AfterClass
41 fun tearDown() {
42 // do your work here
43 }
44 }

Alternatively, you could create a custom rule and set up credentials there.

1package com.example.demoapp
3import androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner
4import com.evinced.test.EvincedEngine
6class CustomJUnitRunner : AndroidJUnitRunner() {
8 init {
9 EvincedEngine.setupCredentials("<Service Account ID>", "<API Key>")
10 }

After that, set CustomJUnitRunner in your build.gradle file in the app module.

1android {
2 ..
4 defaultConfig {
5 applicationId "com.example.demoapp"
6 ..
8 testInstrumentationRunner "com.example.demoapp.CustomJUnitRunner"
9 }
10 ..

Then, obtain an instance of the EvincedEngine in the test.

1package com.example.demoapp
3import androidx.test.ext.junit.rules.ActivityScenarioRule
5import com.evinced.test.EvincedEngine
6import com.evinced.test.models.InitOptions
7import org.junit.Rule
8import org.junit.Test
10class EvincedTest {
11 private val evincedEngine by lazy { EvincedEngine.getInstance(InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation())}
13 @get:Rule
14 val activityRule: ActivityScenarioRule<MainActivity> = ActivityScenarioRule(
16 @Test
17 fun testReport() {
18 val initOptions = InitOptions().putAdditionalOption("saveInputTree", true)
19 evincedEngine.options = initOptions
21 // write your test here.
24 }


Generating a comprehensive accessibility report for your Android application

In this tutorial, we will enhance our existing Espresso UI test with the Evinced Espresso SDK in order to check our application for accessibility issues. In order to get started you will need the following:

  1. All of the prerequisites for Evinced Espresso SDK should be met
  2. Evinced Espresso SDK should be installed in your project

Preface - Existing UI test overview

Let’s consider the following basic UI test as our starting point.

2public class PreferencesTest {
4 @Test
5 public void testSwitchTheme() {
6 final int theme = UserPreferences.getTheme();
7 int otherTheme;
8 if (theme == {
9 otherTheme = R.string.pref_theme_title_dark;
10 } else {
11 otherTheme = R.string.pref_theme_title_light;
12 }
13 clickPreference(R.string.user_interface_label);
14 clickPreference(R.string.pref_set_theme_title);
15 onView(withText(otherTheme)).perform(click());
16 Awaitility.await().atMost(1000, MILLISECONDS)
17 .until(() -> UserPreferences.getTheme() != theme);
18 }

The purpose of this test is to check that the application theme can be changed successfully. For now, this test is only concerned with the functional testing of the app. However, with the help of the Espresso / UIAutomator SDK, we can also check it for accessibility issues along the way. Let’s go through this process with the following step-by-step instructions.

Step #1 - Initialize the Evinced Espresso SDK

Before making any assertions against our app, we need to initialize EvincedEngine object. This object is used primarily as an entry point to all of the accessibility scanning features. Since we are going to use it primarily within our test, the best place for its initialization will be our @BeforeClass method which gets executed first.

2public class PreferencesTest {
4 @BeforeClass
5 public static void setupEvinced() {
6 evincedEngine = EvincedEngine.getInstance(InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation());
7 }
9 @Test
10 public void testSwitchTheme() {
11 final int theme = UserPreferences.getTheme();
12 int otherTheme;
13 if (theme == {
14 otherTheme = R.string.pref_theme_title_dark;
15 } else {
16 otherTheme = R.string.pref_theme_title_light;
17 }
18 clickPreference(R.string.user_interface_label);
19 clickPreference(R.string.pref_set_theme_title);
20 onView(withText(otherTheme)).perform(click());
21 Awaitility.await().atMost(1000, MILLISECONDS)
22 .until(() -> UserPreferences.getTheme() != theme);
23 }

The only setup needed for the EvincedEngine is to pass it the instrumentation.

Step #2 - Identify which application states you want to check for accessibility issues

Once the SDK is set up, let’s try to carefully consider which states of our application are actually worth checking for accessibility issues. Let’s take a look at our UI test once again:

2public void testSwitchTheme() {
3 final int theme = UserPreferences.getTheme();
4 int otherTheme;
5 // This step gets the current application theme and determines what the theme will be changed to
6 if (theme == {
7 otherTheme = R.string.pref_theme_title_dark;
8 } else {
9 otherTheme = R.string.pref_theme_title_light;
10 }
11 // Before we change the theme lets check the current theme for accessibility issues!
12 clickPreference(R.string.user_interface_label);
13 clickPreference(R.string.pref_set_theme_title);
14 onView(withText(otherTheme)).perform(click());
15 Awaitility.await().atMost(1000, MILLISECONDS)
16 .until(() -> UserPreferences.getTheme() != theme);
17 //Now that we have confirmed the theme has changed let's check the new theme for accessibility issues!

We have identified two places in our UI test where we would like to perform accessibility scans. Each place represents some distinct application state and each of these states may contain certain accessibility issues. So, let’s put our checks into place.

Step #3 - Setup accessibility analyzing points

The only thing we need to do now is to simply add evincedEngine.analyze(); calls to the places in the test we identified above. Here is what it should look like:

2public void testSwitchTheme() {
3 final int theme = UserPreferences.getTheme();
4 int otherTheme;
5 // This step gets the current application theme and determines what the theme will be changed to
6 if (theme == {
7 otherTheme = R.string.pref_theme_title_dark;
8 } else {
9 otherTheme = R.string.pref_theme_title_light;
10 }
11 // Before we change the theme lets check the current theme for accessibility issues!
12 evincedEngine.analyze();
14 clickPreference(R.string.user_interface_label);
15 clickPreference(R.string.pref_set_theme_title);
16 onView(withText(otherTheme)).perform(click());
17 Awaitility.await().atMost(1000, MILLISECONDS)
18 .until(() -> UserPreferences.getTheme() != theme);
20 //Now that we have confirmed the theme has changed let's check the new theme for accessibility issues!
21 evincedEngine.analyze();

The analyze method collects an accessibility snapshot of the current application state and puts it into internal in-memory storage. This snapshot contains a lot of information including an application screenshot, accessibility labels, and dimensions of UI elements.

Now that we have gathered the information we need we are finally ready to actually find our whether our app is accessible or not.

Step #4 - Assert your screens at the end of your test suite

As our test was executed we collected a lot of accessibility snapshots via the evincedEngine.analyze() calls. We can now perform accessibility assertions at the end of our test suite. Referring back again to our initial UI test the best place for this assertion will be the method that gets invoked last - @AfterClass.

2public static void collectA11yData() {
3 evincedEngine.reportStored();

To generate the actual object representation of your accessibility report simply call the reportStored method. The Evinced Espresso SDK will check all of the previously collected accessibility snapshots for accessibility issues. From this moment you are free to assert against the given list of Report objects in any way, you would like (feel free to explore the corresponding chapter in the “API“ section).

As an example, let’s simply assume that our application is accessible as long as it has no accessibility issues found. Thus, if we have at least one accessibility issue detected - we want our tests to fail. Let’s add the corresponding assertion:

2public static void collectA11yData() {
3 evincedEngine.reportStored(true);

You are now set to run the test and ensure the accessibility of your application!

Step #5 - Read the results

For more information regarding the HTML and JSON reports as well as the Report object itself, please see our detailed Mobile Reports page.


1. What is the minimum Android API version supported?

The minimum supported Android API level is 21 (Android 5.0).

2. Is there any difference in the number of accessibility validations Evinced will find when testing on an emulator vs. a real physical device?

The Evinced Espresso SDK works equally well on real devices and emulators. The number of validations doesn't depend on the device type (emulator or real device).

3. Can the Engine be used when testing on remote or cloud-based devices?

It may depend slightly on the functionality of the cloud-based device provider, but there are no inherent reasons why the Espresso / UIAutomator SDK wouldn’t work well on any device capable of running Espresso / UIAutomator tests.

4. Do I need to add anything (SDK etc.) to my app during the build process to test for accessibility violations?

The Espresso / UIAutomator SDK is integrated only in UI tests, which run as a separate application. No change or addition is needed to the build process of the application under test.

5. Can the reports be exported directly to the project directory as opposed to remaining on the device?

Unfortunately not. Because the tests are performed as a separate application, it only has access only to the emulator or device file structure. However, you can automate this process of extracting the file by using the example scripts above in your CI tool or as a Gradle task.

6. I got the following error while integrating the Espresso SDK.

1Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugAndroidTestManifest'.
2> Manifest merger failed : Attribute application@extractNativeLibs value=(false) from manifestMerger6360702180557287033.xml:36:9-42
3 is also present at [com.evinced:espresso-sdk:<version>]

Why it happened and how to fix it? The error occurred while merging the AndroidManifest of your tests and the Espresso SDK AndroidManifest. To fix it in your androidTest AndroidManifest.xml add:

2 tools:replace="android:extractNativeLibs"
3 android:extractNativeLibs="true"
4 ...>

7. Where can I find the release changelogs?

If you are using JetBrains IDE (Android Studio or IntelliJ IDEA): Open ‘Project' tab (⌘1) → ‘Project’ view → 'External Libraries’ section → Gradle: com.evinced.espresso-sdk:<version>

8. Why do my reports have incorrect screen orientation?

You might notice that your generated report has a screenshot with an incorrect orientation: This issue is caused by the asynchronous nature of the screen rotation in Android which is separated from the test execution. To avoid this problem we propose the following solution:

2public void testLandscape() {
3 rule.getScenario()
4 .onActivity(activity -> activity.setRequestedOrientation(
5 // Set your desired screen orientation here:
7 ));
8 getInstrumentation().waitForIdle(() -> {
9 try {
10 // Wait until the screen orientation change
11 Thread.sleep(500);
12 // Do the test assertation here
13 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
14 throw new RuntimeException(e);
15 }
16 });
17 }