
The Evinced web SDKs integrate with new or existing UI tests to automatically detect accessibility issues. With the addition of as few as 5 lines of code to your testing framework you can begin to analyze all the pages and DOM changes to offer a dynamic view of how your site can become more accessible. At the conclusion of the test a rich and comprehensive JSON or HTML report is generated to track issues in any reporting tool.

Interested in seeing this in action? Contact us to get started!

Get Started

To get started, follow the relevant SDK documentation for installation instructions, API explanation, and tutorials.

We are constantly working to expand our platform support. Can’t find an SDK to match your needs? Please contact us at [].

Supported Automation Frameworks

Cypress SDK
Selenium Java SDK
Selenium JS SDK
WebdriverIO SDK
Playwright JS SDK
Selenium CS SDK
Selenium Java SDK
Playwright Java SDK
TestCafe JS SDK


The Evinced engine can identify accessibility issues using two different modes in order to ensure comprehensive site coverage.

Single Run Analysis (Single Page)

Using the evReport method, the Evinced engine will scan the page at its current point in time. A great way to use this method would be to click on a dropdown or similar element to reveal as much of the page as possible before scanning. This will help you to identify all of the accessibility issues on the page.

Continuous Mode Analysis (Multiple Page Flow, DOM mutations)

Using the evStart and evStop methods, the Evinced engine will continually scan in the background capturing all DOM changes as the tests is executed. This will capture all accessibility issues as clicking on drop downs or similar interactions reveals more of the page. A great way to use this approach would be to find an end to end test and use the before and after hooks to start and stop the Evinced engine.


The Evinced SDK is also flexible in how it returns reports to ensure compatibility with common reporting tools. With both JSON and HTML output options one can easily add Evinced findings to reporting mechanisms already in place. For more information on the Evinced Report object or individual report files, please see our Web Reports page.